Pioneer CDJ2000 NXS2 & DJM900 NXS2
New in stock; We are pleased to announce we have recently taken delivery of the new Pioneer CDJ2000 Nexus Mk2 CD Players and a DJM900 Mk2...

Mono_Cult, Canal Mills, Leeds
We provided CO2 Jets and Confetti Cannons for Canal Mills New Year Celebrations. Photo Credit: Justin Gardner
Space Nightclub Install, Leeds
Immersive Precision recently completed a full refurbishment of the well known Space Nightclub, Leeds. With a full calendar of events year...

NYE 2015, Doncaster Dome
Immersive Precision provided Full Production for the Sleepin' is Cheatin' event at Doncaster Dome, New Years Eve 2015. LD John Tasker put...

The Geodome at Control, Leeds
Immersive Precision were enlisted to provide specialist technical services during the installation of Control Nightclub, a 3000 capacity...